
Robin Price


I am an audiovisual artist whose practice centres around taking objects and changing the way they work sonically and visually. I am also a musician whose practice spans audiovisual music, interactive music and audience participation. Acid, synths and cats also feature in my life. This is my seldom updated blog.

You can visit my portfolio site here or my music site here.

8 Responses to “About”

  1. rawore

    Just found the blog.

    I’d say that the method of building a portfolio of projects that work was useful for me. Maybe tempered by my history. Started before there was much of an internet, 70’s, so my little projects were more attached to a particular situation I wanted, rather than the amorphous internet.

    I ended up hiring people with portfolios (compiler company) rather than looking for degrees alone.

    Playing with ableton and max/msp now. Have fun. Thanks for putting things up.

  2. crx

    Cheers rawore, found you on twitter and put the two together! Thanks for the advice, about portfolio work. Hopefully I’ll be tidying things up a bit more round here and posting some more patches/stuff in the near future.

  3. Ed Guild

    Wow, your pitch-tracking for bass is fantastic! I’ve been researching the topic myself because I want to do something along the same lines, but with electric bass and a Moog Slim Phatty synth.

    I too have found that Max and pitch-tracking just aren’t all that great.

    I do not have the knowledge of electronics you have though and am hoping to find something that is already built.

    You wouldn’t happen to want to sell a built or partially built unit, would you?

  4. crx

    @Ed Guild
    Well to be honest I had to stop development as it was a time suck and not strictly related to my PhD research. It got so far but I never reliably dealt with the problem of harmonic inteference, some kind of tracking filter is necessary. When I was researching the project I found some interesting MIDI bass trackers that you could try, I’ll go through my google history and get back to you. When I finish my PhD I’d gladly start building stuff for modest fees, but right now I have to concentrate on the big push…

  5. Ed Guild

    cool, thanks! good luck with the rest of the phd and drop me a line with any info on the subject. I’m pretty obsessed with the idea now 😉

    I have access to a Nord Modular G2 which has a pretty good pitch tracker. It’s helpful for modeling some ideas such as the tracking filter you mentioned above.

  6. Guillermo Monsanto

    hi! Robert Price. How are you.?

    I just saw these two videos and I was wondering can this pitch tracker will work also with a theremin.
    I’m about to start building my theremin as project for a class. I study electronic engineering and I want to build a midi theremin.

  7. crx

    At higher pitches the resolution probably won’t be that wonderful unless you shorten the timing interrupt, plus the Sallen Key filter will need removing. Tbh with a Theremin why track the pitch at all, why not just use the CV that controls the pitch to feed an ADC direct and send that back?

    P.S. It’s Robin.

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