Rutt Etra Jitter Synth – Now here !

As promised earlier this week here is my Jitter Rutt Etra video synth stripped down and prepared for general consumption. Try experimenting with the wet/dry mix for some interesting feedback action along with the zoom and rotation values, angles like pi divided by integers lead to some interesting patterns. Get stuck in.

Screenshot of my scanline jitter synth

Screenshot of my scanline jitter synth

Jitter patch:

32 Responses to “Rutt Etra Jitter Synth – Now here !”

  1. ghostdad

    incredible. looks amazing. a few hitches on my end i don’t see the output in the patcher windown only in the render window. i’ve already modded this to accept some midi control (hope you don’t mind). trying to put in other things that will make it more convenient for live performance. i’ll follow the updates happy to supply more feedback thanks again!

  2. crx

    Yo ghostdad, That’s a feature not a mistake, or rather it’s a lack of a feature. Adding a second render destination (like a preview window) wasn’t a priority for what I was doing with the patch. I’ll look into an efficient way of doing this there’s probably a solution in the jitter examples or forums so feel free to pre-empt me (mod the hell away, it’s why I put it out there). I should update it soon, I’ve made it look prettier here. Glad to know someone else is enjoying it.

  3. ghostdad

    o i c so it’s just where you put your render window 😉 that’s cool I tooled around a little with adding a second render. not much luck but haven’t dug in far. OpenGL is way not my thing but this thing looks to good not to mess with. Updates appreciated. Thanks gain!

  4. crx

    @ghostdad I might have some more time to update the synth now, you still interested in separate preview window? My last version has better filters added for analogue style distortion.

  5. mattavish


    i was on a short beginners max course in London and i came across your rutt etra synth and used it as part of a project i was working on using NI’s maschine. you can read about it here:

    it’s pretty scrappy i’m afraid and only useful if you have a maschine but adding a umenu to cycle through the video files had a really nice effect.

    thanks for your work on this, very cool. i’d be interested to hear about any updates!!



  6. Adam

    hey crx, I love your patch. Do you have an updated version you can share? You mention a preview window above.

  7. crx

    Yeah the preview window function really revolves around whether or not you’re using a gfx card that supports texture sharing across render contexts. Basically if you have an NVIDIA card you’re sweet, the PC and lappy I use for my dev/performance is ATI so I haven’t integrated the functionality (can’t test if it’s working or not). I recently started using my iMac for a bit of Jitter and I think it’s NVIDIA. I’ll bung it in sometime…

  8. btovsky

    love the patch. i started doing video when the rutt/etra was around so it’s nice to mess with a jitter version. question: i’m using your patch as an element in a live video performance i’m doing at Experimental Intermedia here in NYC, and i need to add some functionality for MIDI control. the patch has two embedded patchers that i can’t edit – “videoout-keyboard-shortcuts” and “control_panel.maxpat.” are those pieces you’d rather not share? or could i get the patches from you so i can add handles for ctlin?

  9. crx

    Glad you like it, the patches you mention are embedded in the bpatchers, they’re already there. Just unlock the patch, right click on the control panel or vks bpatcher, go to object and select new patcher with contents of … and save as. You can then inspect the original bpatchers and turn off embedding and point them to your own hacked patches. Did that make sense? Let me know what you get up to with them, lovely to know that other people get use out of my toys.

  10. btovsky

    got it, thanks! i went another way to unlock and got an error, by bad.
    i’ll let you know how it goes, working on it today. adding a gl.handle preview window for off-screen manipulation, as was discussed before. also adding some MIDI handles to control video & audio from my NI Kore controller. works wonderfully as a MIDI controller and looks nice too.

  11. Alberto

    Hi crx,
    i LLLLLLove your patch. It gives me so many ideas and works great.
    i’m not a jitterer but i can handle some max and msp. i wonder if it’s possible in a simple way to control the “intensity” of each line with an external signal. In particular i’d like to map to the level of different filters of an incoming audio spectrum to the opacity of the lines. Also maybe give it a individual noise character depending on noisiness in that filter band. I guess i have to retouch some slabs or? Can you give me any hint?

  12. Whale

    Hey I am fairly new to MAX and really love this patch. I wanted to have an amplitude of an audio file control certain parameters of the synthesizer such as the feedback so it integrates my visuals better with my sounds. Any ideas?

  13. crx

    Yeah the feedback is just a number box so why not try feeding that with a low pass filtered copy of the audio? You should need to do any fancy MSP sampling, just filter then scale the audio signal and pass it through a snapshot~ to convert it to a control rate signal. Try playing with lores -> snapshot -> scale -> feedback number box. Happy tweaking.

  14. Greg

    aaaaaaand two years later, i am wondering if you have any advice on using syphon with this to get it to a projection mapping software. I’m quickly trying to incorporate this into a gig I have in two days.


  15. crx

    Syphon? Not a clue mate. Given syphon is by vade why not use his QC rutt? Might integrate better, I’ve never used syphon, sorry.

  16. kevin harris

    Hi Robin,
    I am a complete idiot, but I have been hacking around on this wonderful patch for a while now, enjoying it very much. What I can’t figure out for the life of me is where to tap an output for a “jt.qt.record” object. I want to record some real time footage to quicktime. I can take an output from the “movie_read_in” patcher and record the raw quicktime mov that I load in, but can’t figure out where to tap an output from that has been through the feedback loop. I can take an output from the “render_feedback” patcher and put it to a jit.pwindow, but when I try the same connection into jt.qt.record, nothing comes in. Any ideas on recording this patch to quicktime?? Thanks and great patch!!

  17. crx

    Ermm you’ll have to capture the texture back off the graphics card before you can put it into a jit.qt.record. This will completely banjax your frame rate though as recaptures are very slow. Read up on I’m trying to work out a non real time render mode that will allow me to capture the textures for movies at a decent frame rate…

  18. omar

    first, i must say how great it is that you are sharing this patch. i have very little knowledge with jitter but more with max/msp. I’d like to use your patch with jit.grab instead of but i have no idea how to do this without changing the functionality. could you point in the right direction?

  19. crx

    Just go to the top of the signal chain and replace the movie with the grab and see what happens. Since they’re both just putting out jitter matrices it should work (you might need to fiddle the attributes a bit to make sure grab’s putting out similar stuff to movie).

  20. Wayne Dreyfuss

    Hi, just learned about analogue video synthesizers, and this is an amazing tool you’ve developed! A few questions, and I’m very unfamiliar in this regard, though trying to understand workflow better:

    Key commands do not seem to function (running 32bit maxrt on 64bit windows 7), the only one that seems to react is tab, but will not minimize.)

    How would I (if at all possible) use this with Ableton Live 9 (running 32bit) for midi control?

    Is there a way to turn off the sound in this only?

    And to capture anything in here, would you just recommend something like FRAPS?

    Finally, can’t seem to register any color, just white.

    Any plans on updating? Anywhere to say thank you monetarily?

    Til that, again- Thank you!

  21. crx

    Hi Wayne, the key commands might be broken due to mac/pc differences. It would be possible to use this with m4l but I haven’t made that patch yet. For capture I would either use Max’s own recorder which will drop frames quite badly or syphon (Mac only) I think. The colour issue confuses me, an updated version is in the works. If you’d like to donate click on the link at the bottom of this post

    Thanks for visiting.

  22. Damiano

    Thank you for your work. It is wonderful! I would like to use the same effect with live camera, and if is possible have more lines and points, can you help me?

  23. crx

    Try replacing the with a jit.qt.grab. The number of points and lines is configurable from the user interface, remember the more you use the slower it will run, especially if you have a higher NURB order.

  24. jefft

    Love rutt-etra; used to volunteer for the Kitchen in NYC all the time..I don’t have a current max on my video dedicated ol’ mac G5 ppc.. but I do have maxruntime and max based Kenaxis…Can I run your app with less than 3 gigs ram and without max jitter proper..suggest you make it a plug-in if can for Kenaxis: or better extend with source code from from the author who freely supplied it to me… I’ll be your beta…

  25. CNT

    hi crx, where can I download your videosynthtool please? I`d like to play with a little 🙂

  26. crx

    I’ll try and make a runtime version but I don’t have a copy of kenaxis, does it put out OSC?

  27. Anju

    I L O V E this thing SOOO much! P L E A S E NEVER EVER take it off the web! I’m no programmer, or cptuomer nerd or anything, so I depend on your web app for doing designs with it. Or are you planning to create a Mac Os or iPhone app out of it? That’ll be nice!Thanks and greetings from Amsterdam.Rodger.

  28. monodnb

    Hello crx! I tried to open the patch with max msp 5, but nothings showing up. Do you know why? Thank you!

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