Last week got lost entirely to laser cutters, making a case for my sensors and porting the code for my measuring breathing trick to the kinect. On Wednesday I visited FizzPop the Birmingham maker space to monopolise their laser cutter for a bit and curiously bumped into two guys also building home brew air quality… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Music
BOM lab residency week 4
A third of the way in! By Friday I’d built a portable air quality sensor that works with a lithium ion battery and an SD card logger but no sign of a nice laser cut case. I’ve had to make do with my lunchbox with a few holes drilled in the lid for the time… Read more »
BOM lab residency week three
Last week I got back on it after having been distracted by other things. I came up with a plan which is to record a load of sounds and air quality readings from where those sounds were recorded and then group all the clean and dirty sounds together and make music out of them. I… Read more »
BOM Lab residency week one
I’ve put my first week in at my residency in Birmingham Open Media Lab. Since I arrived last week I was inducted to the space and had the necessary kitchen and mug politics explained to me. Everyone’s been very friendly and welcoming so I felt quickly at home. My project involves using air quality data and field… Read more »